The efficiency of the machine is based on the use of microprocessor control. In order to operate these control systems reliably it is necessary to keep them free of all interference. We have suppressed possible sources of interference. However, with regard to sources of interference outside the machine, suitable measures must be taken by the users.
The user interface, also popularly called as IBED (pronounced ‘eye bed’) by TMIC users, is an important device for operating the machine.
Here In This Blog You are going to learn about function keys and some special keys About injection molding plc.
*The ‘ABC…’ key switches the Manual and ‘F’ keys into ASCII characters including letters. This key should be activated while entering alphanumeric data.
*If ABC mode is not pressed, the LED is off. Then the machine is in normal mode.
*If ABC mode is pressed once, the LED will blink intermittently and now the alphanumeric data can be entered in lower case. *If ABC mode is pressed twice, the LED will glow continuously and now the alphanumeric data can be entered in upper case.
They Are some special keys which are been reserved for special functions they are been used in special functions and p
Cursor keys are the important keys by pressing these keys you can easily move your cursor to look and set your machine settings cursor has options like ( UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT ) and at the centre there is a home key by pressing that key you can easily access back to your home option .
Numeric keypad is the set of keys that are in your plc Numbers they are from 0-9 you can type that numbers by simply pressing these keys u can directly write those numbers on your screen and to Enter or save those numbers PRESS E-Enter key and to cancel out that PRESS C-cancel .
These are some manual keys and mode selection keys that means by pressing these keys You can perform the function manually in a Hand mode or some functions in setting mode.
By pressing the suitable mode key, the operating mode of the machine can be selected.
Setup mode should be selected during initial mould setup. While the machine is in setup mode, all the movements will be restricted to setup speed and pressure.
In manual mode virtually all the machine movements are possible by pressing respective manual keys.
In semi-auto mode the machine completes one complete cycle and comes to a stop. The cycle has to be restarted every time by pressing the cycle start key.
In auto mode the machine cycles continuously till an interruption occurs. A prerequisite for automatic operation is the automatic ejection of components.
The current mode of operation is indicated by the glowing LED.
The Pump and the Heaters On / OFF buttons are of toggle type, i.e. pressing the button switches ON the device if it is OFF and vice versa. A lighted LED indicates the ON condition of the motor and heater contactor. In case of an alarm condition, the hooter gives a ‘beep’ sound. Pressing the hooter acknowledge button switches off the heater.
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